Billy Wilder - The Man Behind The Picture


Young Entry Asset
Young Entry Asset
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The São Paulo Museum of Image and Sound has curated an exhibition celebrating Billy Wilder, a legend of cinema responsible for shaping many of the industry's most iconic scenes. While his work is widely recognised, his name remains less familiar to the general public. Our mission is to design a visual identity for the exhibition that invites the public to discover the man responsible for so many of their favourite cinematic moments. Our design outcome is versatile, accommodating a range of budgets and applications, from interactive displays to branded pencils. The identity embodies Billy Wilder’s nature, mindset, and personality, strategically positioning himself behind his work and allowing it to speak for itself, reflecting his belief that ‘The best director is the one you don’t see.’

Describe the creative idea

Our goal is to engage spontaneous and curious individuals aged 18 and above, including cinema enthusiasts, Hollywood aficionados, students, researchers and those intrigued by pop icons and historical moments.

Our approach is unconventional, designed to halt, captivate, and ignite curiosity among passersby, acknowledging that attendees are likely familiar with Billy Wilder's work but not his name, we symbolise his pivotal role 'behind' Hollywood's greatest moments by placing his name and logo behind his iconic quotes, scenes, and images. Reflecting his understated yet pivotal presence in cinematic history as 'The man behind the picture.'

Describe the execution

Inspired by Wilder's iconic film posters, the logo incorporates characterful ligatures, between double 'L's and 'L&D.’ A subtle clapperboard motif in the 'R' pays homage to Wilder's directorial role. In executions where the logo is purposefully obstructed, a full version is also used to ensure legibility.

The identity overlays objects and imagery, emphasising the concept of 'being behind' and connecting visuals seamlessly to the brand. The colour palette is inspired by Wilder's renowned film posters.

From grand spatial executions like the exhibition entrance to branded merchandise such as pencils, the identity adapts flexibly. This includes creative placements of the logo, like on the back of t-shirts or at the bottom of mugs showcasing wit. Social posts feature iconic items from Wilder's films, playfully obscuring the logo for users to discover.

Promotional posters explore integrating Wilder's image beneath typography and incorporating the logo behind film posters.