Billy Wilder, the unscripted

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The MIS – Museu da Imagem e do Som, is a Brazilian museum in São Paulo with an enormous archive composed of over 200,000 items, ranging from testimonial records, film equipment, to movie posters…

This track record made it possible for MIS to become the forefront of immersive thematic exhibitions, successfully celebrating cinema legends and movie genres. This august - 'the invisible director' - Billy Wilder will take the stage. Like the nickname suggests, Wilder isn’t as famous as some iconic scenes from his movies. So how do we create a visual identity to convey this brilliant directors’ work and convince our audience to take a deep dive into the world of Billy Wilder?

Describe the creative idea

Our design wants you to finally get to know Billy Wilder, ‘the invisible director’. Therefore ‘The unscripted’ refers to his story, underneath all the great tales he’s written. We wanted to spotlight his contributions by merging film and street art influences, to create a personal and rebellious aesthetic. A bridge between old and new. This combination is tailored to resonate with our Paulistano (from São Paulo) audience, who are recognized for their social activism, colorful personalities and familiarity with graffiti as a voice of the unheard. And it offers the flexibility to attract both our younger audience through colorful and expressive street art and the cinephiles through cinematic artistry. All the while connecting them with the man behind the script.

Describe the execution

We made it possible to connect with Billy Wilder in every aspect of the branding.

That’s why we created a logo to connect with his writing, inspired by his pioneering role as an author/director. We took his personal notes and autographs as a reference to make a logo ‘tag’ – which is used by street artists to claim their work and voice their opinions – and adjusted for legibility. This way, Wilder can reclaim his territory from under the shadows of his former Hollywood stars.

Our design system gives Wilder the title treatment he deserves. With a grid based on the old film posters, central aligned titles and black and white imagery. We connect his old work with the modern take of the IMS-exhibition. Meanwhile giving us enough versatility to use on any surface or service.