Blow your issue: become a Dandelion for the climate

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Climate defenders are at risk. Many people have faced threats and death for protecting the future of our planet. In fact, 40% of all fatal attacks were directed against indigenous people, even though they only represent 5% of the world's population (Global Witness, 2022). For this reason, many choose to remain silent to stay safe.

Insight/Tension: It is difficult for people to proudly express their affiliation with a climate movement, as it could mean a life-threatening situation. This creates a barrier to openly identifying as climate advocates.

But thankfully, we have people who are willing to give a face to those who can't, the digital noisemakers: young people that can safely protest through digital activism, as long as they feel enough inspiration to do so.

Describe the creative idea

Blow your issue: The platform that transforms local crises into massive social media storms via shared links.

People are more engaged with local issues that impact them directly rather than larger, abstract problems. Building on this understanding, we introduce the first "spam" or storm message generator. This tool collects user-provided information via a simple form, focusing on local climate issues and allowing users to specify government parties they want to tag. It then generates a shareable "case" link that initiates conversations by generating posts enabling widespread dissemination of the message.

Describe the strategy

To inspire a generation and establish the dandelion as a symbol of global solidarity and climate justice, our approach focuses on three key strategies:

Firstly, Uniting People Around the World: Our platform engages young activists and local communities through a user-friendly form, highlighting specific local climate challenges. Digital posts generated from this input are tagged to local politicians, igniting global conversations and raising awareness about pressing environmental issues.

Secondly, Amplifying Local Solutions: We prioritize showcasing issues that amplify the voices of marginalized communities, compelling politicians to take responsive action. By spotlighting effective local initiatives, we empower communities to advocate for sustainable practices and build resilience against climate impacts.

Lastly, Pressuring World Leaders: Our platform channels generated messages directly to government parties, urging concrete action on climate policy. This collective advocacy amplifies global voices, compelling leaders to implement robust environmental protections and prioritize equitable climate solutions.

Through these strategies, we aim to mobilize global support.

Describe the execution

“Blow your issues” will work to recruit leaders who will create local cases for their communities to transform local environmental crises into powerful social media storms. This concept leverages the metaphor of a dandelion spreading its seeds far and wide, symbolizing global solidarity and collective action for climate justice. Users contribute by sharing their local climate concerns through a straightforward form, specifying government parties to tag. The platform then generates a "case" link that initiates digital posts, facilitating widespread dissemination and engagement.

This initiative creates a safe space for individuals to proudly identify as climate advocates, fostering a supportive community and amplifying diverse voices in the fight against environmental threats. Making it safe for everyone to proudly say they’re a Dandelion.