Borderless Hope

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We need to put Project Dandelion on the map to create a global mass advocacy campaign to achieve a mobilized majority through a voice-uniting platform to push leaders to deliver a climate-safe world for all.

And if the problem wasn’t complex enough and the solution long overdue, we can’t even name our own representative who’ll vote for the future of the planet. These deals are made in ‘backrooms’ by people not in the forefront, accounting for the feeling of powerlessness of individuals not knowing who to turn to, what to do. Is this why we’ve achieved a digitally interconnected world?

Describe the creative idea

We don’t have 1 representative in the UNFCCC. We have 198. If we feel powerless and if we feel they have built up concrete walls, it’s time to find our way through the cracks.

Introducing the Borderless Hope microsite, giving future Dandelions the chance to seize back the climate crisis narrative by giving them the opportunity to plead to all 198 UNFCCC representatives, shining light on the true global nature of this crisis.

Describe the strategy

Imagine being a decision maker who wakes up one morning to thousands of new Facebook and Twitter notifications from across the globe, day after day!

Share your hope of a better future for those who never knew you existed. Include your name, country, occupation and your most optimistic hope for climate-safe Earth, and the site will randomly generate you a representative across the globe, and your message will be published by Project Dandelion on their social profiles. Messages will be signed off the same: “I’m hope. I’m a Dandelion. Please be one yourself at COP30 in 2025, too.”

Describe the execution

We will kick off the campaign in January 2025 with female digital noisemakers and female front-line defenders hand in hand (the former amplifying the latter), calling out to other countries representatives by sharing their own stories and hopes on TikTok, Facebook and Twitter, identifying as Dandelions starting a movement globally for a global issue.They'll invite everyone to participate, either actively voicing their hopes or showing support in the comments – giving the abstract issue faces, different angles, stories and perspectives, and the hope to be heard. On the microsite we will provide Dandelion stickers which can be posted in the comments by the locals, to give weight to the agenda and build up a critical mass of Dandelions.

The microsite will also contain educational information discussing that we are in fact still on the cusp of a climate-safe world, 2025 still not being too late.