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Despite the strides made in addressing harmful stereotypes in advertising, the portrayal of masculinity remains largely unchanged or regressive.

Outdated portrayals of masculinity in advertising contribute to declining mental health among young men.

Research indicates a link between suicide and men's active pursuit of masculinity.

Therefore, we present how current advertisements portray stereotypical masculinity and show that each person has his or her own form of success.

Creative Idea

We express that cars not only kill people in accidents, but also in advertisements.

Car advertising has sent the message that a man with a luxury car is manly. This excessive pursuit of masculinity can lead to the decline in the mental health of young people and even suicide.

In other words, the cars in the ads indirectly kill men.

We express this aspect by misleading men killed by accidents and by advertisements.

In this way, we convey the horror of the stereotype of masculinity to Gen Z men with surprise.

Strategy and Insight

Gen Z men tend to demand authenticity in advertisements.

They need to know that the ads they see on a daily basis can cause their mental health to decline.

Therefore, our strategy is to deliver the fear behind the ads to them in an impactful way, sparking a conversation about the need for inclusive and authentic masculinity.