Carbon Footsteps

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Today, just 57 oil, gas, and concrete companies are responsible for 80% of global carbon emissions. The climate crisis is also a communications crisis, with complex language making it inaccessible to mainstream audiences, while fossil fuel companies spend billions on greenwashing and propaganda. As a result, climate justice is stalling.

However, there is still hope. Project Dandelion aims to unite voices and apply pressure on leaders to follow through on their commitments. With 89% of people wanting stronger climate action from governments today, we need to build momentum and recruit more Dandelions leading up to COP30, by allowing people to digitally show the world they are a Dandelion. While establishing the Dandelion icon as a global symbol of solidarity and climate justice?

Describe the creative idea

Introducing "Carbon Footsteps," a digital advocacy campaign by Project Dandelion in collaboration with the running app Strava. We'll create a Strava profile for each of the top 57 polluters responsible for 80% of global carbon emissions. By converting the daily average carbon footprint of individuals into steps, we visually demonstrate how much these companies actually pollute.

This approach simplifies complex climate jargon into relatable runner's language, making it accessible to a wider audience. While shifting the narrative away from the individual, highlighting the true culprits of the climate crisis and holding them accountable, rather than allowing them to blame individuals.

Describe the strategy

Our main target audience is the global community advocating for climate justice, with a sub focus on the 100 million active Strava users. By leveraging Strava's digital platform, we can create impactful profiles for these polluters, converting complex climate data into relatable runner's statistics. This approach makes the information accessible and engaging, encouraging users to share their wild findings on the app. We will utilize the power of social media and digital marketing to spread our message. This not only raises awareness but also fosters a sense of community and collective action. Our ultimate goal is to have 10 million people by COP30, united under the Dandelion symbol for climate justice.

Describe the execution

Our execution plan leverages Strava's existing features to maximize the impact of the "Carbon Footsteps" campaign. We will create a Dandelion Runners Club on Strava, automatically displaying the Dandelion symbol on their profiles, symbolizing their commitment to climate justice. Members will receive a Dandelion Trophy upon sharing their participation, further promoting the campaign across their networks.

We will also utilize Strava's running clubs, emblems, and sharing features to spread the Dandelion symbol across various digital platforms, increasing visibility and engagement. Each of the 57 polluter profiles will represent a unique running distance, illustrating the amount of pollution levels. The campaign will run for 57 days up till COP30.

At COP30, we will showcase these 57 running distances, demanding change from global leaders.

This representation of pollution data will serve as a powerful call to action, highlighting the need for systemic change and holding major polluters accountable.