Climate-priced Coffee Menu (CHINA)

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we’re now facing a catastrophic climate and nature crisis because we’re not moving fast enough.

How can we make more people become a Dandelion to save the planet from climate crisis?

Describe the creative idea

We collaborate with Starbucks, the world's largest and most renowned coffee chain, launching a Climate-priced coffee menu where prices fluctuate in accordance with global carbon emissions, allowing coffee enthusiasts worldwide to genuinely experience how the climate crisis can severely impact their enjoyment of their beloved coffee,thereby instilling a sense of urgency about the crisis and motivating them to join the Dandelion.

Describe the strategy

Currently, most young people do not feel the impact of the climate crisis in their daily lives, and thus lack the sense of urgency to advocate more forcefully for change.

We want to make people tangibly aware of the impacts of the climate crisis in their daily lives, thereby inspiring them to become a Dandelion.

We found that the climate crisis has led to a significant decline in global coffee bean production, which in turn has driven up the cost of coffee beans. If we fail to address this crisis promptly, it is foreseeable that in the near future, coffee bean yields will dwindle dramatically, with coffee prices soaring to unaffordable levels for many.

Describe the execution

Phase One:

We launch the Climate-priced coffee menu where coffee prices fluctuate in real-time with global carbon emissions – higher emissions lead to climate impacts, subsequently elevating coffee costs. This attention-grabbing move ensures our "#Starbucks Climate-priced coffee menu" hashtag trends on Twitter.

Phase Two:

Once the buzz on social media reaches its peak, the Dandelion sents notification via the Starbucks app, explaining that the climate crisis has already gravely impacted coffee yields, hence the price volatility. It's a call to action, urging individuals to be a Dandelion in committing to Earth's future.

Phase Three:

Upon signing up as a Dandelion, your Starbucks coffee cups will bear the Dandelion emblem. We then let social influencers to share photos on platforms like Instagram, showing heir Dandelion cups and announce they become a Dandelion. As more people carry these Dandelion cups around, the Dandelion icon spreads globally, turning each cup holder into an ambassador for climate crisis.