Climate Therapy

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89% of people feel more can be done by their governments to address the climate crisis. But they also tend to think they’re alone in the fight, feeling helpless and burnt out by factors like donation fatigue and the consistent inaction from their leaders.

The fight for climate justice does not have to be a lonely one. Project Dandelion aims to bring together ordinary people to put pressure on the people in power to deliver a climate-safe world for all.

But how do we build up a group of discouraged individuals and turn them into a community of empowered “Dandelions”?

Describe the creative idea

Climate Therapy. The most sustainable way to grow Dandelions for climate justice.

We bring together climate justice seekers - the casual and the vocal - by offering respite in the form of free and accessible climate therapy content on the Project Dandelion website. This allows them to replenish their reserves and build up their bandwidth for the long journey to climate justice ahead.

We’re not asking them for donations or to show their support in extreme ways. Instead, Project Dandelion offers them what they need: a safe space, a support group, and a community -- all through their platform.

Describe the strategy

As the climate crisis continues to threaten our world, climate anxiety has started to threaten our well-being.

The number of people experiencing eco-anxiety has progressively risen in recent years among millennials and Gen Z’s. It’s even worse for women in low-income communities due to their higher exposure to environmental risks.

Fear for our future is good; it shows we care. But the fight for climate justice cannot be fought without the proper armor: our well-being. Our cup needs to be filled in order for hope to spill over and turn into action.

And because one of the main triggers of eco-anxiety is the constant exposure to urgent climate content online, Project Dandelion will become the platform that turns this anxiety into positive action.

Describe the execution


We’ll position our logo as a symbol of respite. The Dandelion pops up on news articles on climate crisis and disasters, prompting the viewer to take a pause from the content and breathe through its guided movement. This short exercise leads them to the Project Dandelion website where more Climate Therapy content awaits.


By signing up and becoming a Dandelion, they get access to free and relevant content to help them manage eco-anxiety and burn-out. These videos will be sharable among their peers, inviting them to sign up and be part of the movement as well.


These sign-ups not only create our database of climate justice seekers but also build up our community of Dandelions: people rallying themselves today so they can help in the fight for tomorrow, ready to be mobilized for COP30 and beyond.