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Project Dandelion aims to unite two very distinct groups for a climate-safe world:

“Digital Noisemakers” - young, eco-conscious and frequent social media users

“Front-line Defenders” - those impacted by the climate crisis in their daily life, often from developing nations. Despite their differences, both groups recognize the urgency and danger of the climate crisis for the future.

These groups are divided on so many levels, from average standard of living to perception of climate crisis impacts itself. But we found one thing which brings those users also together. Use of VPN.

Describe the creative idea

VPN usage grows year on year, with nearly 50% of Gen Z users using it for privacy protection.* In developing countries, VPNs grow as well and are used for accessing otherwise restricted services. They even works in countries who officially banned VPNs - like United Arab Emirates, where 61% is actively using VPNs* even as they are banned by the government.

That is why we collaborate with the world's largest VPN provider, ExpressVPN, to harness the popularity of VPNs in target groups and build unique communities within them.

*According to Statista 2023 and VPNoverview

Describe the strategy

We will use Dandelion's own “fake VPN points”* within ExpressVPN's ecosystem, which will serve as a community hub for the Dandelion community. What is better this “fake” (a.i. virtual) VPN point will serve as an added security layer for those who will use it.

Each group receives unique messages during classical VPN sessions. Messages appear once per VPN session when users change their IP for the first time.

*often done by platform to raise awareness about some topic or celebrate anniversary

Describe the execution

1. Simple Onboarding: Target users with a call-to-action after they change IP address.

Appealing to Front-line Defenders' on local issues and Digital Noisemakers' on the fact that they protect their privacy daily, but neglecting to protect their future and environment. Urging both to join the fight against the climate crisis together!

2. Simple Benefit: Joining the Dandelion's virtual VPN adds one level of security to your connection and access to an ExpressVPN live chat interface and picks your chat room.

3. Simple communication: Connecting users locally to let them share experiences , learn how to improve the situation in your country and inspire action.

4. Simple Influencer campaign: Amassed users cab be turned into influencers. Let's them share their experience and raise awareness through logo and #IamDandelion