Young Entry Asset
Young Entry Asset
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Background Text

Jood is working daily to provide homeless people with food, warm showers and the opportunity to reintegrate into society. They already established their first collective solidarity restaurant, where their beneficiaries hone their skills and their benefactors support them with something as simple as eating lunch.

Now, the task is to prepare a successful launch of Jood`s Kitchen as a sustainable business model, allowing businesses and institutions to use their services on a larger scale. Jood`s Kitchen will offer catering services for companies, schools, and hospitals to use in-house, in canteens, for events etc.

By acquiring regular customers who buy their services regularly, the organization becomes less and less reliant on donations, which is their end goal. To do that, we have to give the potential consumers an extra push, and give them something they can benefit from.

Describe the creative idea

LinkedIn notifications are popping up - your competitor or colleague just made a new achievement - Anne from Accounting just became a Responsible Foodie?

For every meal a person consumes, they are given the exact name and picture of the person they helped. For the first five new faces, they unlock an achievement, which is then made easily shareable on their social media, primarily LinkedIn - Responsible Foodie, Donation Queen/King...

By using business influencers, we roll out the campaign. The initial buzz allows for the added benefits to be explained by healthy competition - companies see that they gain certificates for employee excellence (free/subsidized meals), responsible governance (responsible supplier), CSR (donation of Jood meals to schools…). Moroccan companies get tools to easily invest in ESG and reach targets, which gives the economy new opportunities for investment.

Describe the PR strategy

People love sharing their achievements - social connections, awards, or how many steps they made. The same is true for companies who advertise their benefits, clients and CSR activities. It will soon be mandatory for companies to publish their ESG efforts, so greenwashing will become less of an option. After the initial interest sparked by competitor achievements, companies realize that by implementing services from Jood, they have the opportunity to improve their ESG “stats” and create better investment opportunities.

Every meal from Jood’s Kitchen empowers homeless individuals for better opportunities and companies to reach ESG goals.

Target audience: Corporate employees, HR managers, directors.

After the initial buzz, generated from business influencers, decision-makers investigate the benefits by themselves, to keep up with the competition. The general public is informed through traditional media. Later, we organize a corporate conference to showcase the benefits of implementing ESG projects and individuals whose lives were changed.

Describe the PR execution

Phase 1 - spark interest and healthy competition - business influencers, successful industry leaders roll-out with the achievements on LinkedIn

Phase 2 - give more information - add-on feature on web is prepared for interested parties to better understand all benefits of implementing Jood Kitchen services and the impact it can have on their ESG goals and subsequent investments

Phase 3 - shift focus on socially responsible element - inform general public through partner media (press release, interviews, testimonials from inspiring individuals whose lives were changed on traditional and social media)

Phase 4 - showcase success of program - corporate conference for partners, media and industry executives to showcase benefits for companies


October - Phase 1-3

November - Phase 4

Secure a few high-profile corporate partners within the preparation phase (until launch), using their success stories to attract more businesses. Gradually expand outreach efforts to include more companies and individual users.