Dandelion Doppelga¨nging

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Project Dandelion is on a mission to engage more people in the movement for climate justice. Currently, there is no global advocacy campaign that effectively unites people worldwide, amplifies local solutions, and urges leaders to take stronger action against the climate crisis. The dandelion symbolizes hope and resilience, and as Dandelion, we waste no opportunity to unite for climate justice and to pressure leaders to create a climate-safe world for all.

Describe the creative idea

Fandoms on social media are the most loyal of fans. They share, communicate, defend, advocate, and closely follow their celebrities’ trends. This type of fandom, usually made up of digital noisemakers, hates when people mess with their beloved celebrity. Celebrities such as Zendaya (183M followers), Emma Watson (74.6M), and Greta Thunberg (14.3M) are activist women and leaders with influential potential and huge fandoms. Collaborating with celebrity influencers is complicated due to their busy schedules or lack of time to check causes. As Admiral Grace Hopper once said, “It is easier to ask for forgiveness than permission.” For this campaign, we will use celebrities’ doppelgängers to showcase the symbol of the dandelion and tell the world that “THEY ARE DANDELION.”

Describe the strategy

According to Cell Reports*, we have at least two or three almost identical look-alikes, or doppelgängers. Since collaborating with celebrities can be challenging, we plan to launch a global campaign using these doppelgängers to promote and establish the Dandelion as a symbol of solidarity and climate justice.

By creating a trend featuring the doppelgängers wearing the pin and discussing the importance of being a Dandelion, encouraging their fandoms to follow up. We will tag the celebrities, their fandoms, and use hashtags to capture their attention in all of our post.

Digital noisemakers who are undoubtedly part of one of those fandoms will be both furious and curious to find out why Project Dandelion is using their celebrity. We’ll be call out, and we’ll admit the fault by apologizing and informing them about the Dandelion. Given that they already follow activists, they are likely to align with our cause and join us.

Describe the execution

1. Secret casting call for Zendaya, Greta, and Emma’s doppelgängers to create videos, stories, posts, and more for Project Dandelion’s social media. These look-alikes will closely resemble the celebrities visually. For their voices, AI technology will replicate a similar tone.

2. All material recorded by the doppelgängers will be posted. We will tag the celebrities, their most-followed fandom accounts, and include hashtags of their names in the post captions.

3. Prepare for backlash. Eventually, the fandom will notice that our doppelgängers are impersonating their celebrities. We’ll respond to every comment: "Sorry, we did it for a good cause. Check our website for more information and join us." We’ll draft an apology letter addressed to the celebrity, which we’ll post and send as a physical copy to their managers. In this letter, we’ll invite the real celebrities to join Project Dandelion.

4.We hope the celebrities will forgive us and support our cause, which they