Dandelion Pin, Taiwan

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Project Dandelion faces a challenge: the general public perceives climate justice as a distant and irrelevant issue. In reality, it’s deeply linked to matters they care about and their vision of a better world. How can we bring the Dandelion Project closer to people's everyday lives and recruit more individuals to see it and become part of it?

Describe the creative idea

We plan to collaborate with Google Maps to design a “Dandelion Pin” feature. This feature will allow the public to create Dandelion pins at locations they consider good, beautiful, and worth protecting, helping the Project Dandelion to flourish globally. In the review section of these pins, people can share more Dandelion stories. This will make Google Maps a platform where the Dandelion community unites to spread accurate information and cultivate positive values.

Describe the strategy

To encourage participation, we are focusing on popular daily apps as the best medium. We have found that Google Maps has a global user base of a billion daily users and receives over 20 million user contributions every day. It is a well-established and familiar digital community.

Additionally, we have observed a cultural phenomenon: Google Maps is also a platform where Generation Z social noisemakers create and share their stories and insights through pinning and reviewing.

Describe the execution

Step 1: Plant - Partner with Google Maps to create a "Dandelion Pin" feature, inviting digital noisemakers to pin locations they find good and worth protecting.

Step 2: Spread - Engage Gen Z influencers to share Reels about "Dandelion Pin" and use the IG Story "add yours" sticker to invite followers to support climate justice.

Step 3: Grow - Each "Dandelion Pin" will feature a symbol in the Augmented Reality mode, attracting more people to share impactful stories and showcase the Dandelion community's unity.