Dandelion the Prophet

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The world is now facing a catastrophic climate and nature crisis - which is also a communications crisis. The fossil fuel industry is spreading disinformation and fueling an anti-ESG backlash. Politically, we see growing nationalism, conflicts and prioritization of short-term interests. The media reports on catastrophes and emerging tech solutions focused on adaptation, making the public believe this crisis is hopeless with no real solutions.

In this context, there is still no global mass climate advocacy campaign unifying people and amplifying solutions.

Our goal is to shift from the vocal minority: individual activists willing to go to extreme lengths to have their voices heard to the mobilized majority: giving ordinary people a united voice and platform to push their leaders to deliver a climate-safe world for all.

'Project Dandelion' is on a mission to unite the world under one campaign for a climate-safe world.

Describe the creative idea

Insight: Negative news dominates the media, planting seeds of fear and pessimism about the future. People are tired of this constant focus on doom and gloom and crave stories of hope and positive change.

Creative Idea: Introducing "Dandelion The Prophet" - first newspaper featuring articles from the future, a digital newspaper with a constantly updating feed of articles showcasing possible climate-safe future scenarios. Telling stories that uplift and inspire, showing us a brighter path forward. Each new member brings us closer to making positive scenarios a reality.

Describe the strategy

Our campaign will target various groups at different stages of communication: Females in Power, Front Line Defenders, Digital Noisemakers, Networked Millennials, and Wise Boomers. We aim for provocation and potential virality, hoping to reach an even wider audience beyond these target groups.

Initially, our platform’s advanced AI collects real-time data about different communities and front line defenders, specifically gathering information on environmental issues. It then generates customized positive environmental scenarios for each region. The campaign starts with social media ads resembling ordinary news but with one key distinction—the date is set in the future. As the campaign progresses, the AI generates even bolder positive forecasts as more users join the Dandelion Movement, encouraging others, including women of power and influencers, to turn these positive future scenarios into reality.

Describe the execution

The campaign starts with social media ads, distributing ‘Dandelion The Prophet’s’ articles through Facebook, Instagram, and Google Display Network.

Once users are engaged, they encounter a disclaimer explaining ‘Project Dandelion’s’ mission and are prompted to join the movement, feeding the AI’s positive prognoses and encouraging their friends to join on social media.

We anticipate attention from influencers, YouTube creators, and media representatives, generating further buzz about the newspaper from the future and spreading our core message: “Become a Dandelion. Together, we can build a climate-safe future for all.” Becoming a Dandelion is about shifting narratives toward a positive future.

The AI has preset triggers that activate at key milestones, featuring women of power and influencers in its ‘articles from the future.’ This encourages users to rally more people, turning ‘future articles’ into reality. As more users join, the AI generates even more ambitious and expansive positive scenarios.