Dandelion's Voice

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The climate crisis is undeniably here. For years, efforts have been made and continue to be made, but progress remains too slow. Even though people want to get involved and acknowledge that more measures need to be taken, using their voices and act isn't straightforward. Project Dandelion aims to be a beacon of hope for a climate-safe world by giving global citizens the chance to join a worldwide movement and create a digital community of engaged citizens. But for what? To give the power to shift from an overly active minority to a mobilised majority, capable of letting leaders know that the community is expecting real measures ahead of the upcoming COP30 in Brazil in November 2025.

Describe the creative idea

As individuals, it can sometimes feel pointless to speak up. Acting can be daunting, especially on a personal level. Studies by UNICEF and The Gallup Poll show that many people believe their own actions won’t make a difference and that measures need to be taken at a higher level. But there is still hope — hope to be encouraged, listened to and heard as a whole.

By harnessing the power of community thanks to digital noisemakers, we create Dandelion’s voice. A unified and universal voice to share a global message, composed of all our voices, continually evolving thanks to AI. Voice message after voice message, each building on the last, generates undeniable power and represents true global engagement. A voice born from everyone, echoing to everyone.

Describe the strategy

Each day, approximately 7 billion WhatsApp voice messages are recorded and sent. That's 7 billion opportunities for people to share an important message and ultimately be heard. By asking young and involved digital creators to record a simple audio message stating “I am a dandelion” and send it to their custom-made "Dandelion's Voice" contact, we invite them to integrate a meaningful cause into their daily routine. This small act instills a sense of pride.

To amplify it even further, each "Dandelion's Voice" participant receives a shareable assets for their social media, highlighting their commitment. Each asset is tailored to each platform, utilizing its unique features to maximize impact and facilitate social engagement.

Describe the execution

In the three months leading up to COP30 in November 2025 (enough to implement different campaign phases and convey “urgency”), we will launch a multi-channel campaign, sowing seeds in every digital space.

First, we collaborate with ambassadors (influential digital noisemakers and content creators) to spread initial voice messages, encouraging others to join. Next, we engage frontline defenders and public figures, particularly women who are most affected by the climate crisis, to share their compelling stories online. This inspires people to record their own Dandelion voice message and contribute to the universal voice.

As these voice messages accumulate, AI technology will create a unique voice, reflecting diverse languages, accents, and backgrounds. The "Dandelion's Voice" embodies the world's citizens. To maximize its impact, we will organize talks ahead of COP30, delivered by our AI’s universal voice, truly representing global citizens and amplifying their collective call for climate action.