Decode the digits: Make the emergency call / Seoul, South Korea / Asia

Young Entry Asset
Young Entry Asset
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1. Background

The IDA, part of the World Bank, supports low-income countries with grants and low-interest loans for essential services. This year’s IDA21 replenishment is critical due to global crises.


2. Challenge and Objective

Raise awareness and trust in IDA through a youth-focused campaign, making its value and impact clear and creating advocates.

Insight / Breakthrough Thinking

3. Insight

Public phones are disappearing but vital for low-income communication, disaster safety, and emergencies(e.g. 911). But still many countries lack this infrastructure. Use public phones to highlight the need for ‘communication infrastructure’ and show how IDA supports this. Increase campaign appeal by sparking curiosity and challenge.

Creative Idea

4. Creative Idea

[Target Audience] Young people in South Korea (especially Gen. Z)

1) Redecorate phone booths with posters featuring a number formula (e.g. +880+92+254) and with sentence “Can you solve the equation below?”

2) Users input the number into the public phone.

3) Correct answers trigger a voice message along with the country name of the country number that supported by IDA, and highlighting IDA’s efforts in developing low-income nations and the need for more donations for their communication infrastructure.

4) Users get IDA’s certificate that can be posted on SNS.

5) Also users can send participation info to friends via text.

5. Effects

1) Public telephones showcase how IDA supports infrastructure development in beneficiary countries.

2) Using phone booth offer a unique experience for Millennials, making them an appealing campaign channel.

3) Discovering the "secret behind the numbers" will boost awareness and trust in IDA.