Do you know what IDA means? - Costa Rica

Young Entry Asset
Young Entry Asset
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The International Development Association (IDA) is one of the largest sources of assistance for the world’s 75 low-income countries. IDA’s grants and low-interest loans help countries invest in their futures, improve lives and create safer, more prosperous communities around the world.

IDA has traditionally directed replenishment campaigns towards policymakers in donor and recipient countries, where IDA is well known. However, its purpose and impact are less known on a global scale.

Portafolio Inmobiliario is the leading developer of mixed-use projects in Costa Rica and the Central American region. Our purpose is driving development by transforming our cities. We believe in more than just working, shopping or living centers, instead we believe in creating sustainable spaces for memorable experiences that create a sense of belonging in people. In the last four years Portafolio Inmobiliario has invested more than $11MM in the construction and improvement of public infrastructure.


IDA needs support from a broader population to exert pressure on their primary target. There is a general lack of awareness about their work, people only care for what they know about.

Impact, respect, integrity, teamwork, and innovation, the core values of the World Bank, are also the values at the heart of this campaign. Which is essentially a strategic alliance that aims to catalyze a positive impact, while also presenting an innovative way of calling to action.

IDA provides financial and technical assistance to developing countries to implement programs that improve their quality of life. Despite IDA's primary target being governments and policy makers, the target of this campaign is young people aged 18 to 35 with an interest in community, environment and development.

We aim for general awareness about IDA´s work amongst young people and nudging them to take action to extend that awareness to policy makers.

Insight / Breakthrough Thinking

A brand's purpose is bigger than its name. After thorough research, we concluded that people historically view banks as outdated, boring, or mean. IDA's greatest asset is its purpose, not its name. We aim to change young people's perceptions and show them that banks can care, help, and give back. Despite IDA's impactful global work, few ordinary people know about it. Awareness and empathy come from connection. Infrastructure is vital for vulnerable countries, enabling economic growth, and collaboration and forward-thinking are key. Leading developers like Portafolio Inmobiliario can help. What does IDA mean? Is it just the International Development Association, or is it more? We need to focus on the difference IDA makes in each country. We will launch a campaign in partnership with Portafolio Inmobiliario that highlights IDA’s past, current, and future work, emphasizing its impact over its name. The campaign will be called: Do you know what ID

Creative Idea

We aim to develop a powerful launch video supported by PR, paid media, social networks, micro-influencers, and an out-of-home campaign. Costa Rica, as an IDA graduate, is the ideal place to start, showcasing IDA's impact and inspiring action. Portafolio Inmobiliario will engage young viewers through a landing page with a pledge, a goal “thermometer,” and information on IDA’s work and their alliance. The thermometer will outline five goals, achievable only with community support and volunteer work, such as projects for sustainable mobility, public space redesigns, and constructing an innovation hub outside the Greater Metropolitan Area. Each project will commence once the necessary pledges are met. This initiative will be replicable in other countries, inviting global developers to join with tailored goals.

Target Audience: Young people aged 18-35 who care about their community and environment, are involved in social causes, and love social media.

Objective: To create a youth-focused campaign that engages young