Earth Country

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The climate crisis is a communication crisis. While the main contributors to the climate crisis control the environmental narrative, the people and communities most affected by its impacts have no voice in the media. The dandelion is the only flower that inhabits all continents, making it a universal symbol, just as climate justice should be: spreading its seeds throughout the world. However, this is not currently the case. Despite living in a globalized world, people do not engage in advocacy beyond their city or country, and the environment only becomes a global issue during events like COP. What if every climate issue were everyone's issue, and we had a single recognizable symbol to drive the conversation and mobilization? Our objective here is to bring the whole world together with Project Dandelion, with one common goal: climate justice for all.

Describe the creative idea

Addressing such a heterogeneous debate, with so many groups and organizations speaking simultaneously without reaching truly effective actions, the best way to bring many people to the Dandelion cause by COP30 is to unify the fight for climate justice internationally. After all, we are all citizens of the same planet, and this concern should be shared by all of us. Not only should global leaders come together to decide our future every year, but we ourselves should do this, holding authorities accountable and discussing the climate crisis together. So, we will turn the whole world into one single country, an international community of dandelions, uniting all the people for the most global cause of all. A digital nation where there are no borders, where no one is excluded from the debate and everyone has an active role in shaping narratives for a better future.

Describe the strategy

Our strategy aims to amplify the reach of local voices to provoke global demands, from the vocal minority to the mobilized majority. To achieve this, we will recruit digital noisemakers, so the noise reaches frontline defenders and amplifies their voices worldwide, making the dandelion a global symbol of solidarity among people for climate justice. If we are geographically distant, digital platforms can bring us closer and transform us into citizens beyond borders, who fight for the same cause, care about the planet as a whole, stay informed about what is happening in other regions, and hold all authorities accountable.

Describe the execution

We will create a flag, an anthem, a constitution, and everything a true country should have. Then, in early 2025, we will send out our flag and promote the campaign to politicians, activists, celebrities and influencers from around the world, who will encourage people to become a dandelion. After capturing people's attention, we will use the #IAmADandelion as the main platform for climate justice. Social media content on the subject will be gathered, where ordinary people can discover and share stories from their locations, contributing their own experiences to the global dialogue and fostering a collective voice. Based on these interactions, people of all nationalities will demand accountability from those in positions of power, urging them to take action to ensure a climate-safe world. As COP30 approaches, we will compile these interactions into dossiers and present them to the leaders who will be attending the event.