Earth Minute

Young Entry Asset
Young Entry Asset
Young Entry Asset
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Earth Day is a massive event with 1 billion participants annually. Despite its nearly two-decade existence, the climate crisis persists, highlighting the need for a digital sister campaign.

The core issue is not individual actions but the lack of rapid response from those in power, says the UN Report on Climate Action.

Moreover, the UN Report on Climate Action states that it targets the wrong audience. While saving power for one hour a year is commendable, real change requires pressuring powerful political and corporate leaders in the gas and oil sectors.

Dandelions demonstrate resilience through their lifecycle. Their puffs disperse to plant new seeds, symbolizing growth and multiplication.

This mirrors the recent global trend of supporting causes digitally, by sharing and activating new people to share the cause as well.

Describe the creative idea

We mobilize our supporters to enable us to post coordinated content in 1-minute social protests through their existing profiles, targeting key decision-makers across all social platforms and digital connections, urging immediate action on the climate crisis.

This Content contains :

Authentic Materials: Protest signs, resource-efficient AI imagery, and 1-minute videos that simplify complex issues, taught by our female leaders.

Raw Imagery: Unfiltered visuals from our frontline defenders, showcasing the real-life impacts of the climate crisis.

Branding: Every piece of content is branded with our dandelion symbol.

Call to Action: Content ends with #iAMaDANDELION and links to join the Dandelion Project. Users can add a dandelion overlay to their profile pictures to show support.

By harnessing all this public pressure, we leverage our most powerful tool to influence leaders and policymakers, aiming to unify a global vocal majority for significant climate action.

Describe the strategy

The Dandelions we target:

Digital Noisemakers: Millennials, Gen Z, Organizations, everyone who wants to use their social media reach for good. The future Dandelions are already active on the platforms, and many are already using it to spread awareness for their causes.

Front Line Defenders: Provide firsthand insights and raw, impactful stories from those directly affected by the climate crisis, helping to amplify our cause not only by their stories, but also through becoming a dandelion and spreading it further themselves.

Cause Collaboration: We aim to collaborate with Organizations giving each other a platform and visibility alike, enhancing the concept of Earth Day by scaling it into our daily digital activism.

Who the Dandelions target:

Politicians: Easily are reachable and accountable through digital platforms.

Big Oil and Gas: Publicly accessible targets for our campaigns.

Describe the execution

We target all relevant platforms, utilizing each platform’s unique sharing features, reposting capabilities, threading, and navigating filters.

Our app coordinates the posting process through authorization and automation, making participation quick and effortless while maintaining individual control and allowing for manual posting. Plus it serves as a hub for education and mobilization, with content from our female leaders and frontline defenders.

Digital protesting is an environmentally friendly way to protest, minimizing resource use compared to traditional methods.

With Earth Day’s 1 billion participants, achieving even a 1% participation rate meets our goal of 10 million Dandelions for COP30.

We leverage the unclaimed Earth Overshoot Day on August 1st which lacks a major campaign as our ideal launchpad

We aim to generate substantial earned media coverage, further fueling our movement.

Peer-to-peer communication directly reaches and advocates through personal online interactions.