Farmville Real World Edition

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We perceive the Dandelion mission as a desire to become a respected and active community, similar to the LGBTQ rainbow movement. It mobilizes when necessary, is proud of its cause, and has its own universal visual symbol.

Our biggest challenge is to engage and unite people in a world full of greenwashing, climate denial content, and conflicting information about the climate crisis. People now associate it with symbols like green leaves, 'ECO', and figures like Greta Thunberg. Many are influenced by corporate greenwashing and only take minimal actions like avoiding plastic straws and recycling. They don't fully grasp its extensive impacts and effects on people's lives. Besides this, everyone has their personal problems and may feel that the crisis doesn't affect them personally.

Our main goals are to create strong awareness for our dandelion symbol, unite people with surprising creativity, and highlight the need for political pressure and systematic solutions.

Describe the creative idea

Adults worldwide still play Farmville to escape their lives and problems, creating perfect little worlds where they care for plants and animals, and foster a caring community. But in reality, we cannot escape the climate crisis. The best way to realize this is to experience it firsthand.

We will disrupt this idyllic world with a unique game edition featuring natural elements inspired by reality. For one week, crops and animals will be threatened by rains, floods, and fires, surprising over 8 million daily users. They will see this disaster and our message that Farmville temporarily reflects the real world. To maintain their gaming experience, we will introduce magical dandelions as a cure for the climate crisis. These dandelions will allow them to heal their farms easily and share the plant with friends. They will personally experience the power that dandelions can bring when they unite.

Describe the strategy

Farmville is our tool to surprise people and create international buzz. It has been a popular game globally for years, based on community and player interactions. With a large player base in the US, UK, Brazil, and India, the largest age group is 25-45. Approximately 8 million users play it daily, and we could reach even more in a week. Many players are from countries experiencing the climate crisis, and this surprising feature could excite them and encourage sharing on social media. We see PR potential and plan to engage gaming vloggers, Reddit users and create short TikTok content with the new version of the game.

Once we gain media attention, we can develop the campaign by presenting the stories of front-liners who experience such "Farmville" scenarios daily and emphasize the importance of real-world help and unity.

Describe the execution


Farmville Real World Edition Game


Create digital PR and buzz about the new game focusing on the dandelion symbol

1. Launching the special version of Farmville for one week.

2. Sending it to gaming vloggers and players, and seeding in Reddit gaming threads.

3. Creating TikTok, YouTube Shorts, and Instagram Reels videos of people playing.

4. Using the dandelion symbol in every post, video, and comment.



It's not a game - It's real life


Utilize the PR wave to inform about Project Dandelion

1. Revealing the second part of our campaign in PR articles.

2. Using Farmville-looking icons and aesthetics in our videos with real people. Our front-liners from affected countries will explain that their lives look like this every day but they are not giving up.

3. Gaining positive sentiment and driving traffic to our website and social media profiles.