First Ladies of Dandelion & Co.

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Communications on the climate crisis today have been complex, quiet, distracted, politicized, and misinformed by politicians, government representatives, fossil fuel lobbyists, and 'men in power.' Despite UNFCCC pledges and annual COPs, the world remains stagnant on the cusp of climate safety, plagued by catastrophic climate and nature crises. Women and girls, excluded from the negotiation table, suffer the most.

Project Dandelion is on a mission to bring more people into the movement for climate justice, led by women. The goal is to unite and shift efforts on climate justice from a single voice to a platform of hope, symbolized by the Dandelion, which will never stop spreading until our collective voice is heard by those in positions of power.

Describe the creative idea

The Dandelion Project will achieve its goal only when those bearing it unite into a mobilized majority. This is why men in power should beware: we've transformed our symbol of hope into the world’s fastest-growing company fighting climate injustice, the Dandelion & Co.

Join our dynamic community of Dandelions as we digitally recruit everyone to work with us and wear the Dandelion badge with pride, giving the symbol of hope and solidarity even more global power. United by this responsibility, we encourage them to publicly declare, 'I am a Dandelion,' until climate justice is achieved.

Describe the strategy

Historically, we've long treated our job titles as badges of self-respect, beacons of belief, and symbols of passion defining who we are. Yet, amid the ongoing climate crisis, there's only one job that matters most now: becoming Dandelions.

But to recruit up to 10 million Dandelions by 2025 to mobilize for COP30, we needed a working medium and the right magnet. So for a platform with more than 8.72 million job applications sent daily from over 200 countries around the world, LinkedIn was chosen as the first contact digital space. And while our campaign are targeted towards everyone, we chose to tactically engage with a handful of those in power in the beginning of the campaign to ensure momentum.

Describe the execution

Once we've locked down the platform idea, we kick off the campaign on LinkedIn with job openings for 'First Lady of Dandelion,' targeting influential women who are behind the men in power. Supported by global PR coverage, Project Dandelion aims to raise awareness. Once our First Ladies are on board, we open the position to everyone, making these leaders our strategic partners and advocates. All applicants can proudly display their 'Dandelion' job badge on LinkedIn signifying a united voice for hope.

And as we prepare to mobilize for COP30 in 2025, we will leverage the platform to give millions a united voice. Through a global network of 'Dandelion' job listings on social media, we can create a call-and-response within Project Dandelion, readying them to mobilize around specific asks. The campaign is scalable as a global or targeted market initiative.