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One of the most typical harmful stereotypes we see in media, advertising and entertainment is that money is everything. Money is portrayed as the best way to measure success and how it can buy you happiness. It’s all about the grind and earning a seven figure number.

Creative Idea

Whether we like it or not, money will always be important. But even Benjamin Franklin, who is portrayed on the dollar bill, doesn’t look fulfilled. The print “He will never be enough” raises the concern that if we keep having money and riches as a definition of success for men, they will never feel like they are worth enough. And even though you presumably have “everything” like Benjamin Franklin, it doesn’t necessarily make you happy.

Strategy and Insight

According to New Macho’s research, the younger men are, the more they define success as making lots of money (https://www.bbdperfectstorm.com/priceofsuccess). We aim to capture their attention by showing that even the biggest wealth icon was never enough.