Here lies a successful man

Young Entry Asset
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Young men are experiencing mental pressure and depression due to the macho, conventional image of men portrayed by media and advertising.

To address this, we need a new narrative of male success, one that is reinterpreted from a modern perspective to help young men break away from the stagnant image of male success.

Creative Idea

Death makes us reflect on our lives, and a gravestone is the last message we leave to the world.

We inscribe words commemorating a person's 'successful' life on the gravestone to encourage men to reflect on their own success and happiness.

The inscription on this gravestone is written in both large and small text.

The large text represents what the media portrays about male success, but the full meaning is revealed only by reading the small text.

After unfolding the story through the small text, the gravestone asks: What kind of life do you want to be remembered for? Follow the small inner voice within you.

Strategy and Insight

Our target audience is highly exposed to various media and has a short attention span.

To capture their attention, we placed a word that they would never expect to see on a gravestone,

yet it is provocative enough to spark their interest.

As they begin to read the smaller text on the gravestone, an unexpected story unfolds.

It tells the tale of a man who may not have had immense muscles or wealth but lived a successful life through inner strength and love.

Instead of directly showing a new vision of male success, we encourage young men to find their own path.

By layering in simple messaging, we suggest they follow their inner voice.

As a result, as many men imagine their own stories by following their inner voice, new narratives for men emerge.