Hijack Your Future

Young Entry Asset
Young Entry Asset
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The International Development Association assists the world’s 75 lowest-income countries in addressing their challenges and fostering a positive future. By granting low-interest loans they create the possibility for low-income countries to secure a better future. The goal of the IDA is to raise awareness of these issues and involve everyone in the solution. Investing in IDA means investing in a better future for all.


Unlike similar organization, the IDA isn’t privately funded, but funds are provided by the governments of donor nations. Directly influencing policymakers is challenging, so it's crucial to engage the younger generation, who can drive large-scale change quickly by demanding their voices be heard. To address this, we need a plan that inspires and mobilizes young people, creating a movement that prioritizes development aid and brings it back on the public agenda.

Insight / Breakthrough Thinking

The world's 75 lowest-income countries face diverse challenges in healthcare, economy and education, often trapping people in perpetual poverty. MediaMarkt recognizes its responsibility to play its part in bridging the digital divide. Digitalization drives economic growth, educational advancement and improved healthcare, among other factors. Notably, LDCs account for 27% of the offline population despite accounting for only 14% of the total population. MediaMarkt has empowered European students with technology, and now aims to extend this globally, allowing students to dream and take control of their own future.

Creative Idea

MediaMarkt will use its in-store and online media across Europe to broadcast the exact same message at the exact same time under the banner #HijackYourFuture. The message being a short clip featuring an AI influencer will show how IDA support helped an impoverished child become a world champion e-sports athlete, highlighting the gigantic impact of collective action and small gestures.

Our main message? Empowering today's kids to pursue their dreams can shape them into tomorrow's leaders. And we can light the spark that kickstarts their future.