Ice Breaking Moves


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Currently, at Project Dandelion, we have worked hand in hand with our two main audiences: the noise makers and front-line defenders, both to used the climate change conversation and language. However, to truly gain the strength we need, it’s time to shift from a vocal well-informed minority to a mobilized yet amateur majority. We need to get away from the articles and the conferences and recruit ordinary people in ordinary ways.

Describe the creative idea

Our idea is simple: use weather as a “first move” in dating apps. By partnering up with Bumble, and with the help of activists, scientists, and environmentalists, we’ll modify every opening question into weather-pre-written ones during one of the climate crisis’ most important moments: Climate Week. Going from “What’s your favorite movie?” To “Is the heat wave as bad in your town as it is in mine?”.

This way we’ll spread conversation around climate change with dating feature chats. Making people who don’t talk about climate crisis, turn it into their first move.

Meanwhile, in-app ads will consolidate the message, to allow them to swipe for the cause and join us.

Describe the strategy

Weather is considered a classic conversation starter. So it comes as a surprise that a person can end up using it in small talk an average of 4 times a day. So how can we leverage the power of an all-time classic, into a way of spreading the word and making new communities?

Our strategy was, to talk about the environment in an environment made for human connections.

Describe the execution

1. With climate experts we will create the pre-written questions.

2. We’ll take over the app during Climate Week, where the conversation starters will turn into our weather icebreaker questions.

3. In-app ads will reinforce the message and ask them to swipe for the cause and join us.