Invisible Identity / Japan


Young Entry Asset
Young Entry Asset
Young Entry Asset
Young Entry Asset
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The challenge is that despite being a director of famous films and well-known actors, Billy Wilder's name is not widely recognized.

However, this was what he really desired. He worked on over 200 films as a ghostwriter, and one of his famous quotes is, "The best director is the one you don't see."

The reason Wilder is not recognized is that he never wanted to consists his personal style across his works or to make his name famous. Instead, he focused on enhancing each film and its characters, allowing them to shine.

Describe the creative idea

There is an “element” taken from a famous scene in his film. At first glance, the audience notices Marilyn Monroe or Audrey Hepburn or any other moments in his film. But upon closer inspection, they realize the invisible space of the surrounding area form the letter "B" for Billy Wilder.

This conveys the idea that the scenes and actresses we know were actually shaped by Billy. This is "invisible identity."

This unique approach to filmmaking sets him apart from other directors and highlights his craftsmanship, ultimately attracting more fans to his film.

Describe the execution

The invisible identity will be utilized through billboards, merchandise, interior decorations, and various other media. All of these will collectively express his craftsmanship.