
Young Entry Asset
Young Entry Asset
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The challenge of funding for the IDA is only going to become increasingly difficult in the next few years.

The rise of the far right across the globe serves as a very real threat to foreign aid policies. As of now, six EU countries – Italy, Finland, Slovakia, The Netherlands, Hungary, Croatia and the Czech Republic have hard-right parties in government. In the USA, the far right may also gain ground with the re-election of Trump which would further threaten the supply of global aid to recipient countries.

The more liberal and younger demographics in these donor countries are struggling to have influence when older and more conservative generations have more voting power.


As stated during the briefing session, the IDA has no brand equity or awareness amongst younger demographics. They don’t have a connection to their desired target group in donor countries.

Although this target group (younger people between 18-24) have demonstrated their support for global causes, such as those recently witnessed in Palestine & Ukraine, their primary concern is still by some distance, the cost-of-living crisis. This can be seen in key donor countries such as the USA, UK, France and Ireland. They do care for global causes, but their world has changed too and their needs still come first – they feel they have no choice but to prioritise their own well-being and be selfish.

Insight / Breakthrough Thinking

We are facing into one of the most disparate, conflicted, and selfish times in our history and the only way to unite people is to create a global rallying cry.

However, this is easier said than done.

What messages/incidents have brought people together on a global scale recently and what did they have in common?

The answer we found was that they all had one clear and concise message that perfectly summarised what was at stake. One single message.

When we look at the IDA it is difficult to summarise what their donations provide. Contributions go towards solving issues such as climate change, gender equality, conflict resolution & economic transformation.

We decided to create a global rallying cry using one simple message that will drive fame for the IDA and connect with their target audience.

Creative Idea

Diageo’s most famous brand globally is Johnnie Walker whiskey. It is the biggest whiskey in the world and one of the most salient spirits brands amongst our target demographic in donor countries.

The brand’s most distinctive and famous asset, the walking man, is known for his call to action to ‘keep walking’ – a symbol of progress the spans two centuries.

We know that the world can’t move forward if millions are left behind, so for the first time in our brand’s history our walking man will not be progressing forward but standing perfectly still, until the time we can move forward together.

Introducing our rallying cry ‘Stand for Progress’. We must create enough social pressure and virality that makes this campaign unmissable. We have a three-step approach:

1. A Social Takeover with our ambassadors

2. Limited Edition Packaging

3. Leverage Global Travel