It's a man's thing

Young Entry Asset
Young Entry Asset
Young Entry Asset
Young Entry Asset
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Gen Z is known as the generation that questions everything, including themselves. It only adds to the problem that young men are exposed every day to masculine ideals that do not align with their own appearance or personal standards. It harms as much as 66% of Gen Z's mental health.

Nevertheless, Gen Z is also the generation actively reshaping the world. They are critical and skeptical of traditional institutions and authorities, enhancing their reputation as the generation pursuing change. They will not sit by idly, but rather fight against the toxic masculinity imposed on them by older generations. UNstereotype Alliances gives them a helping hand.

Creative Idea

The creative idea is a clear visual that breaks the headline in such a way that makes the message stand out.

The call to action urges all of us to step up against the toxic contemporary images and conventions of masculinity and ensures that the next generation can experience success in a healthy way.

Strategy and Insight

From a young age, boys often hear phrases such as ‘Man up!’, or ‘Grow a pair!’, and ‘It’s a man’s thing.’ This subconsciously shapes their perception of how they should be and behave.

By using and redefining the meaning of the phrase ‘It’s a man’s thing.’ to align with the fighting spirit of Gen Z, we encourage the new generation of men to be whoever they want to be and to break stereotypes of the past along the way.