Young Entry Asset
Young Entry Asset
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Our goal is to mobilize 1 billion, or possibly even more, Dandelions for COP30. The challenge is to unite people who see various climate crises faced by different countries and generations as a problem into a single movement. Education, floods, labor, marine conservation, living environments, dengue fever, inflation… Everyone is fighting their own battle against these diverse threats. We need to unite everyone, including those who have not previously taken action against the climate crisis, as Dandelions.

Describe the creative idea

We will create an AI conversation engine that finds individuals carrying their own justice, provides hope to them, and connects them with comrades.

People are fighting all kinds of social issues and gender gaps in their own environments. They do not realize that this is related to the climate crisis.

People don't talk much about climate change, but they do talk a lot about issues in their own environment. Hacking that daily wishes and making people aware that they are involved in climate crisis will help them reframe it as a more familiar issue and help them feel like they already belong in the community. Dandelions will not create a new symbol but will become the symbol of the diverse justices held by people worldwide, uniting them.

Describe the strategy

Every crisis is a climate crisis. That means every justice is climate justice.

This idea identifies the causal relationship between all kinds of justice, concerns, desires, and Climate Justice. It makes people realize that holding Climate Justice means they are already Dandelions and creates connections with other Dandelions. For digital noisemakers, we relate every daily concern and justice to Climate Justice, creating a meme-like vibe to encourage easy expression. For front-line defenders, we encourage people facing various social issues and crises, creating comrades with a common justice. By building strong relationships with these communities and collecting their Climate Justice digitally, we will have a stronger impact on COP30.

Describe the execution

1. Realizing:

2024 is the best recruiting year for dandelions. Because 4.5 billion people in 80 countries have the right to vote for their country election in 2024. We will hack the voices of justice from all over the world on every digital platform. Realize their Climate Justice through:

- Auto-replies on X/Instagram/Facebook

- Chatbots on WhatsApp

- Replies in news media comment sections

2. Uniting:

While uniting people around the world, deliver all voices of justice as voices of Climate Justice to COP30.

- Introduce people with similar justice to you on a LP

- Ask if you can deliver your justice to COP30

- Deliver the Climate Justice of Dandelions to the COP30 venue

3. Maintain:

After COP30, Dandelions will continue as a global community for climate justice, sustaining interest in the climate crisis worldwide.