Kiss [Kenya] Or Kiss My As*

Young Entry Asset
Young Entry Asset
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The World Bank’s International Development Association (IDA) provides grants and low-interest loans to empower developing nations, fostering economic growth and improving lives. Every dollar donated to IDA is tripled, further amplifying its impact. As a result, IDA is recognized as one of the best investments for the future of humankind. Policymakers, businesses, and NGOs all acknowledge IDA’s importance. The organization relies on a three-year replenishment process during which donors (government leaders) review funding and policies.

This year’s IDA21 campaign faces a unique challenge. The volatile global landscape post-COVID has made donors, preoccupied with domestic issues, more cautious about overseas investments. Kenya, representing recipient countries, now requires $120 billion, a significant increase from the previous $93 billion funding. To bridge this critical gap, the campaign aims to harness the power of young people, whose voices can influence decision-makers and unlock essential funding, ultimately securing a brighter future for all.


The global pandemic with economic recession has shifted government’s focus towards immediate domestic needs. While crucial, this can overshadow long-term global development initiatives like IDA. Politicians face no immediate consequences for neglecting these investments, leaving the future hanging in the balance.

IDA’s singular goal is to unlock increased funding from donor countries as recipient's rising need. But politicians prioritize issues with clear public benefits. Here's where the power of Gen Z comes in. This socially conscious generation holds immense voting power – the most powerful tool to influence politicians.

And forget awareness campaigns: IDA needs a provocative movement. Amplifying Gen Z's voice can compel politicians to prioritize long-term investments in a shared global future. However, they have little idea about IDA. Bridging the knowledge gap & translating complex development issues into something emotionally relevant & personally intriguing is key to ignite their passion for change.

Insight / Breakthrough Thinking

Politicians make moves that help their careers or with public pressure.

Young people want to do good. They’re vocal and not shy about it. But they’re unsure about ...

> What is it? When it comes to big concepts like IDA, they’re a bit lost.

> How to help? It’s easy to use a reusable bottle or show a rainbow flag, but how do they support big international causes?

> And who are they helping? They can see the impact when they aid a stray dog or a friend. But helping to build a far country’s infrastructure?

Our strategy is to transform IDA recipients into someone closer to their imagination. This is where we find Closeup highly relevant. Why? Closeup is the third most-chosen toothpaste in the world, reaching consumers in 57 different countries. But more importantly Closeup is a brand giving youngsters the confidence to get closer & kiss!

Creative Idea

Closeup x IDA presents: ‘KISS KENYA or KISS MY AS*!’ In a world divided by borders, Closeup and IDA unite young hearts through a simple act—the kiss - which can pressure politicians for IDA investment.

Phase 1 – LAUNCH: Kenya Makes The First Move: Introduced the disruptive ‘Get Kenya Kissed’ packaging across stores. It’s more than a slogan; it’s an invitation to embrace change. Influencers demonstrate that this kiss symbolizes IDA investment—a lifeline for Kenya’s youth.

Phase 2 – MOVEMENT | The World Responds Next: launch ‘KISS KENYA’ packs globally, featuring QR codes linking to Kenya’s voices. Celebrities and everyday youngsters join, sharing kisses with #KissKenyaForIDA—a global chorus of hope.

Phase 3 – PROVOKE ACTION: Politicians, Take Note As KISSES pour in, we crunch numbers. On 11/11, before final replenishment, we amplify the message. Millions of youngsters ask: Kiss Kenya or Kiss My As*! to challenge politicians to invest IDA