Young Entry Asset
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Our campaign aims to mobilize a specific audience to manifest their purpose for saving the planet by publicly identifying as "dandelion." This is not an educational campaign; the target audience is already environmentally conscious and engaged. Targeting environmentally conscious young digital activists and frontline defenders, the goal is to unite 10 million people by COP30 in 2025.

Describe the creative idea

We will cleverly play on the intersection of commitment fears and the imperative of saving the planet. Through humor and culturally relevant messaging, we aim to inspire our audience to embrace their 'dandelion' identity and take concrete actions for environmental preservation. Our goal is to instill hope and empower them to take meaningful steps forward.

We encourage them to commit to something truly significant: the environment. It has always been a steadfast presence in their lives, so what better way to acknowledge its importance than by making a formal commitment? Let's collectively prioritize what truly matters today: our planet.

Describe the strategy

Our audience:

Our audience is well-informed and passionate. They deeply care about environmental issues and meaningful causes. However, they often struggle to turn their digital engagement into real-world impact, with mental health and humour being crucial in their communication style. They feel powerless that their individual efforts to shift the needle on big social issues, including environmental concerns, are not sufficient.

The insight:

There is a noticeable gap between the digital personas of our audience and their real-world actions. They find meaning in causes they are heavily invested in but face challenges with commitment and mental health (climate anxiety and depression).


Highlighting the discrepancy between digital self-expression and real-world impact, our campaign will creatively bridge this gap, emphasizing that their participation can lead to genuine change.

Describe the execution

Buzz: Social media & Publicity

// Celebrities from various fields share stories or posts featuring a symbolic ring, announcing their commitment.

// Media coverage amplifies this, generating excitement and spreading the message.

Engagement: Social Media, Publicity and Website

// Celebrities reveal their commitment to the environment.

// Encourage people to sign up with intriguing tone of voice.

// Send out rings for personal declarations of commitment.

// Athletes at the Olympics step on the trend and celebrate by getting down to one knee as a gesture of encouraging the world to say yes!

Loyalty through change

// Foster long-term engagement by demonstrating and rewarding ongoing commitment to environmental action.