Looking for a man

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Write a short summary of what happens in the film

The film opens with a line from a viral Tiktok song, where a woman lists stereotypical traits she desires in a man. New voices, both male and female, join in to discuss the different and often contradictory expectations of men today. They refer to Gen Z buzzwords like ‘the sidewalk rule’.

The film portrays moments of everyday life that either amplify or challenge the traditional image of masculinity. Initially, the perspective is superficial, supported by distant footage of men. As the film progresses, the narrative and imagery become more personal and emotional.

By the end, we see men with nuanced characteristics and diverse roles, breaking free from stereotypes and showing many paths to male success today. Instead of listing superficial traits, the voices talk about men in meaningful relations.

The final message encourages viewers to seek their own version of success.


It’s a tough time to be a young man. Their mental health is declining. Misogynistic ideologies are one the rise. Media, brands and communities have failed to keep in touch with this development for too long, leaving a vacuum for manfluencers to fill. And they do so, with growing impact.

Young men need to hear stories that show that success isn’t measured in how much you earn or how heavy you lift.

The Unstereotype Alliance, led by UN Women, is dedicated to challenging harmful stereotypes. Despite progress in female representation in advertising, the portrayal of men has regressed.

We are creating a film that inspires young men with multifaceted, individualized portrayals of success. We will target our audience in digital spaces, where they spend significant time, especially on TikTok. Here, trends determine what people care and talk about, sparking conversations way beyond these platforms.

Strategy and Insight

The pressure on men is fueled by trends on social media that romanticize masculine stereotypes and traditional gender roles, like “tradwife” and “stay-at-home girlfriend.” The most classic symbols of status and success, namely wealth and attractiveness, are embodied in the new and highly popular trend “I’m looking for a man in finance.” The original video on TikTok has garnered 48 million views.

We leverage this trend with a film tailored to social media. On these platforms, standing out from traditional ads is crucial to maintaining viewer interest. Our approach involves crafting content that resonates with the audience's expectations and format preferences. It is important that the footage feels authentic and not polished, relatable and almost home made.

By utilizing the trend as an icebreaker, we open a broader discussion of male success and societal expectations. Parts of the script give subtle nods to harmful manfluencers, careful not to ridicule anyone. It is up to the viewer to form their own opinion on the topic.

Everyone has their own conviction of how a man should be. By using multiple voices in the film, we aim to reflect the myriad of expectations that men have to navigate. The diversity of voices also emphasizes that men’s suffering is not only an issue for men – it’s a societal concern.

By flipping the trend on its head, we inspire men to look beyond checklist traits and embrace being a complete, multifaceted individual. This way, we succeed in redefining success.