Lunch (Tax) Break


Young Entry Asset
Young Entry Asset
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We wanted to drive support and subscription for Jood Kitchen’s concept: providing delicious meals to corporate businesses in Morocco while empowering and reintegrating the homeless in the country. However, with too many charity organisations vying for donors’ money, energy and attention, it has become difficult for donors to decide on who and where to contribute to.

Describe the creative idea

Lunch (Tax) Break, is a provocative hijack on tax relief benefits, transforming an employee’s typical lunch purchase into a tax-deductible donation; showing Moroccans that they don’t always have to give extra to contribute more, they can do so by simply choosing better.

Working with corporate businesses to offer their employees an optional meal delivery plan, employees’ purchase payments will be registered as donations to Jood Kitchen, with the meals provided as tokens of gratitude. Each meal will be accompanied by a receipt of official donation that employees can claim tax relief for while filing their taxes. Also on the receipt is a QR code that leads consumers to Jood Kitchen’s website, where they can learn more about our cause.

Describe the PR strategy

Insight: We found out that being able to claim tax relief on a contribution is one of the most obvious benefits of making a donation in Morocco. In other words, a tax relief benefit is a recognition of our action’s positive social impact. Our message is to position Jood’s Kitchen as one of the easiest ways to do good – by simply enjoying lunch – to Moroccans; so good that you can now even receive a tax break for it.

We start by reaching out to HR/Office partners that are interested in their employees’ well-being, offering them an opportunity to transform their employees’ lunches into tax-deductible charitable donations. Each meal purchase will come with an official receipt of donation that employees can then use for tax relief purposes.

Describe the PR execution

We will first reach out to HR/Office partners through e-mails to offer their employees the opportunity to participate in Lunch (Tax) Breaks on International Charity Day (5th September 2024).

To further amplify our campaign, we will work with our media partners over one month to spotlight this provocative hijack of tax relief benefits, as well as, with content creators to launch this new “corporate lunch hack” using the hashtag #LunchTaxBreak.

In the last phase of our campaign: Education, the QR code on our receipts and links on our content creators’ post will lead consumers to our website where we will educate them on our mission and garner continued support.