Man enough

Young Entry Asset
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Write a short summary of what happens in the film

The film dives into the emotions of a young guy who's questioning himself, who doubts, who feels he is not enough. We will see the helplessness in his words, the rawness with which he speaks, and all from a perspective so real that it hurts, as it is written using real words and fragments taken from comments by young people who anonymously share their experiences on social media.


Situation: The media and advertising often still push outdated ideas of success that focus on material wealth, physical strength, misogyny and other harmful ideologies that distressing decline in the mental health of young men and boys. This disconnect leaves many young men feeling misunderstood and dissatisfied.

Brief: We have to create a compelling film that redefines what it means to be a successful

man today, that inspire and connect deeply with the target.

Objectives: Develop male representations, inspire positive change and support mental health.

Strategy and Insight

We realized that young people feel incomplete, frustrated, helpless, confused, less, when trying to fit into the expectation of the model of a successful man that the world demands of them. And that is the pain that we use to connect with the target (Gen Z) and show them that there is not only one version of man, there are as many as there are men in the world and only being authentic is how we found full success.