Man In The Mirror


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Write a short summary of what happens in the film

A Gen-Z protagonist listens to his favourite podcast while getting ready to go out. As the podcasters discuss what it means to be a successful man, he humorously acts out various versions of success using bathroom props. Initially, "classic" versions of success are mentioned, but when the podcasters talk about having great hair as a marker of success, our protagonist looks dejected, unable to relate. Suddenly, the beat quickens, and the conversation deepens. The podcasters explore more emotional and personal definitions of success, resonating with our protagonist's own experiences. The film ends with a final gag – our protagonist realises he's been so engrossed in the podcast and getting ready that he now has to sprint to avoid being late.


Gen Z men are increasingly exposed to a narrow view of outdated portrayals of what it means to be a successful man, especially in advertising and on social media. These pervasive images create a disconnect between what men are seeing and the true, lived experiences of men.

Our film challenges this disconnect by offering a more authentic perspective on success. We want young men to finish watching our film with the understanding that there are countless ways to be a successful man beyond the narrow stereotypes often depicted in the media.

Strategy and Insight

We’re looking to reach Gen Z men through a medium they frequently engage with. With the rise of "manfluencers" promoting narrow views on masculinity and a YPulse study from 2022 revealing that 41% of Gen Z men listen to podcasts weekly, harnessing a podcast as a hook and the lifebeat of our film felt like the perfect way to connect with our audience.

To keep the film authentic and relatable, we cast an everyman performing a universal daily task: getting ready for the day. Our podcast begins by echoing familiar perspectives that Gen Z men often hear but gradually introduces fresh, positive ideas on what it means to be a successful man.

We used humour as a way to connect with our audience and be memorable, as well as the familiar setting of looking in the bathroom mirror - a setting made famous through numerous TikTok videos.