Man on a Beach

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Write a short summary of what happens in the film

The film is situated in a virtual, AI-generated environment. Each time we enter prompts into the generative tool box on the screen, something about the scene changes.

We start with a man on a beach, enjoying a moment to himself. The prompts start off neutral, but as we continue the narrative, they gradually include more adjectives traditionally associated with the ad archetype of a successful man. At the end, we delete the prompt and type in “Successful man on a beach”. This time, nothing changes – leading us to the final message that success comes in all shapes and forms and that they all matter.


Our work is answering a brief provided by the Unstereotype Alliance, aiming to rewrite harmful and outdated stereotypes in the media’s depictions of masculinity and success.

Strategy and Insight

Our main goal is to make our target audience (Gen Z men) feel seen by addressing the disconnect between their true values and the portrayal of what they “should be” according to ads and some social media influencers.

The story is based on the insight that men’s success can look many different ways and they're all valid. We do that by answering stereotypically masculine prompts (such as “strong”, “sophisticated”, and “respected”) with some of their more realistic, authentic meanings.