Man's greatest fan


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Unstereotype Alliance was born to eliminate harmful stereotypes in the world. Now more than ever, they are seeking to break the classic and harmful definitions of success, in a world that portrays successful men as muscular, business men, or millionaires. This is a serious issue that impacts mental health and confidence of men of all ages, especially those aged 18 to 27 who are shaping their own value in their minds.

We needed to convince young men that their own version of success is valid. But how can we make it possible without vilifying any expression of gender or masculinity? How can we present successful men without criticizing others?

Creative Idea

Attempting to include more definitions of success that they have to fit into, would fill them with stereotypes again. Every man should write their own definition of success.

In fact, men experience many forms of success every day (even in their daily lives), but they don't recognize it.

But, there is someone who celebrates their achievements everyday too, someone that doesn't compare them to others (like they do), and someone that understands that their value lies not in appearance, possessions, or stereotypes, but in who they truly are.

That's why we showed them 'Man’s Greatest Fan,' to remind men that they are already successful (just as much as their dog knows they are).

Strategy and Insight

We needed an idea that conveys the message directly and can be adapted to any medium.

Generation Z is a target audience that doesn't like being told what to do, how to feel, or who to be. All they need is to be reminded of their value as they are.

The strategy focused on an idea where we wouldn't need to use a man (visually) as an example, as that would build more stereotypes.

This way, the idea allows each man to imagine or remember why they are valuable in their own way, without having to show them all their versions of success, since they know what that means for them, and at the same time, positioning Unsuccessful Alliance purpose.