

Young Entry Asset
Young Entry Asset
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Situation: IDA has traditionally used a top-down approach and focused more on reaching out to policy makers, business leaders, academics etc. in order to raise funds for the 75 low income countries around the world. Now, they want to change gears and reach out to the young people around the world.


IDA, the largest source of assistance for low income countries, wants to leverage young people’s power to influence and reach decision makers but has no brand awareness among that target group


- To provide young people a platform to make a real difference

- Improved awareness regarding IDA, it's work and it's impact in the minds of young people

- Create a social movement to get political & business leaders to take notice of IDA 21 as the ‘best investment in the future’


Challenge: IDA, the largest source of assistance for low income countries, wants to leverage young people’s power to influence and reach decision makers but has no brand awareness among that target group

Client's need: To create awareness in the minds of young people so that they exercise their social currency and influence to garner mass support and make business leaders and policy makers take notice of the fact that IDA21 is the 'best investment for the future'

Industry: Indian e-commerce industry which caters to the globally connected and socially aware young people in the age group of 18-35 yrs old who have indirect access to the decision makers

Desired outcome: Get decision makers to take notice of the campaign and agree that IDA21 is the best investment for the future

Insight / Breakthrough Thinking

Perception: Young people are apathetic and only care about themselves

Reality: Young people care- but feel that they are unable to make a real world impact as they lack opportunities to take action that can drive real-world change


- Young people want a say in policymaking

- They are children of the internet, tech-savvy & more globally connected

- Care about global good

- Want leaders to do better for humanity and not just their country

Young people like are looking to bridge the gap between clicktivism and activism and drive real world change!

Creative Idea

Creative idea: If you give young people a platform to convert their social currency to real global change, they will use the platform to be on the right side of history because they are not apathetic and do give a f***

We want to reach our audience across all relevant touch points across the app, social media, influencer network, community etc. and keep the messaging consistent to echo the fact that young people will take action when they are given a platform which can drive real world change.