Men Never Change

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In "Men Never Change", we show, through archival footage from several advertising eras, how most products and people in advertising have evolved massively over the years, except for one thing: the way men are portrayed. By showing the stagnation of male representation in advertising, we hope to stimulate a discussion about how successful men - in all their complexity - should be portrayed in advertising.


Over the past 75 years, almost every product and service featured in commercials has come a long way. But according to a Getty Image study, one thing that hasn't changed is the portrayal of men in advertising.

The key challenge presented by the Unstereotype Alliance brief was to address the disconnect between how men are portrayed in the media and how they actually are in real life (diverse, plural, complex).

Our main goal was to confront people with a problem we've been unaware of all along, in order to inspire positive change and rally people to our cause.

Strategy and Insight

A cursory search of recent advertisements depicting men in a stereotypical way led us to a thought. Why is it that over the last few decades, the way products and services are sold, and the way women are portrayed, have evolved so much, without the stereotypical image of men changing in any way? Our intuition has been validated by a study conducted by Getty Image, which suggests that the representation of masculinity has stagnated or even regressed over the past 75 years.

But for a problem to be resolved, people have to be aware of it, which is not the case at present. Our approach was therefore to demonstrate as clearly and precisely as possible the great evolution in the way telephones, coffee, cars or women are advertised, compared with the redundancy of the successful male models presented.

We opted for a brutally honest approach that left no doubt as to the scale of the problem. Our demonstration also allowed us to appeal to the power of nostalgia, at a time when our target audience is more fascinated than ever by all things throwback. What's more, the old ads selected for the film and their evolution over time added lightness and humor to a rather serious subject, helping to inspire positive change.