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Write a short summary of what happens in the film

This film shows that men literally live inside a bunch of words we use every day that stereotype success for them. Using that resource, we want to show young men (gen z) that despite that, stereotypes should not define them, through a story with a fresh narrative for them.


Young Generation Z men don't feel connected to the stereotypes that advertising presents about what success looks like. How can we fix this? First, by creating a new narrative that connects with them and, at the same time, addresses harmful stereotypes by helping to create a more egalitarian world. And second, by inviting them to learn constructively and informatively about these stereotypes on the Unestereotype Alliance website.

Strategy and Insight

Our strategy is simple, we seek to connect with young people through what they use every day. Language. We realized that the word man is part of many other words that contribute to the harmful stereotype that exists today about male success. Through a story that proposes a new narrative, we will use all these words to show the new generations of men that words, especially those that generate these stereotypes, should not define them, delivering the message that before being men, we are human.