On The Wilder Side

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Young Entry Asset
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Museu da Imagem e do Som (Meseum of Image and Sound) has been at the forefront of showcasing thematic exhibitions in the realms of image and sound; now for a new exhibition they have selected some movies directed by Billy Wilder to continue inspiring and educating the public.


Despite being behind some of the most iconic scenes in Hollywood Billy Wilder remains unknown.

How do we get longstanding visitors and new audiences to make a connection with a film maker they have certainly heard about but possibly never seen?

Our goal is to create a versatile visual id that sparks immediate connection between the audience and the exhibition as they are introduced to Billy Wilder.

Describe the creative idea

Creative Idea

While most film makers have a distinctive style which becomes their calling card. Billy Wilder’s eclectic style crosses genres, his subtlety and craftwork guaranteed that his involvement in the film remains the common link.

Keeping that in mind, we decided to incorporate Billy’s image into our design to ensure he remains unmissable across all assets.

Describe the execution

Creative Execution

The logo is a duotone portrait depicting the enigma that is Billy Wilder. The easiest way to remember a name is to attach it to a face you remember. We sought to etch his name in the minds of viewers by familiarizing them with his face.