"One Plate Society" - Georgia


Young Entry Asset
Young Entry Asset
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Background Text

In Morocco, homelessness and hunger are escalating issues as cities expand, often leaving the most vulnerable groups without adequate support. Traditional fundraising and donations fall short of addressing the problem's root causes. We need innovative solutions that foster community unity and drive real change. JOOD kitchen aims to tackle this challenge by providing businesses with delicious meals while offering jobs to homeless individuals. This initiative not only addresses food insecurity but also empowers those in need by giving them meaningful employment. By integrating support and sustainability, JOOD kitchen aspires to make significant changes across Morocco, promoting a more inclusive and resilient society.

Our objective is to awake social responsibility in the corporate society and make it prestigious to be a part of this great change such as eliminating the problem of poverty in Morocco.

Describe the creative idea

Instead of merely asking for donations to businesses, we offer a unique membership experience, authorized by the King, making it prestigious and desirable. 

This membership highlights social responsibility and enhances their corporate image. By joining, businesses can actively participate in empowering homeless people while benefiting from exclusive networking opportunities. The result is a powerful alliance that drives meaningful change in society.

Describe the PR strategy

Traditions create a strong sense of identity and belonging, connecting us to our roots and to each other. In Morocco, there is a tradition of sharing meal from a large plate, where each person eats only from their portion. Sharing food from one plate symbolizes everyone's role in supporting those in need, uniting communities, and inspiring collective action for positive change.



Target Audience: Corporate companies and businesses in Morocco

Demographic characteristics:

● Age: 30–55 years old.

● Gender: Both male and female

Dinner with the King/Merchandise for Workers/Membership letters/ooh/media articles/books for supermarkets/digital posts

Describe the PR execution

First, our PR strategy will highlight JOOD kitchen's dual impact: providing meals to businesses and jobs to the homeless, generating widespread awareness and support. We aim to leverage media channels and influencers to amplify our message and engage the community.

Second, our timeline is structured for maximum efficiency. In October we will establish partnerships with local businesses, which will grow during whole campaign. In November billboards will appear in the streets, raising awareness and engagement. In December, social media impact will grow with help of business influencer.

Third, our scale objective ensures we reach as many people as possible. Initially, JOOD kitchens will launch in major cities like Casablanca and Marrakech, with plans to expand to smaller cities and rural areas, aiming to make a national impact within three years.