Only you define you

Young Entry Asset
Young Entry Asset
Young Entry Asset
Young Entry Asset
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Situation: The lack of representation of a good and diverse male image over the past 75 years has contributed to the rise of regressive attitudes in young men. At the same time, these men are influenced by “manfluencers” who promote negative ideologies, thus affecting their mental health as well.

Brief: Redefine the narrative that most advertising handles with a print that raises awareness of the broad and contemporary diversity of male success, raising awareness and, at the same time, creating visual impact.


- Raise awareness to diverse types of masculinity

- Show the men that success can be anything they want.

- Create a print with a visual impact

Creative Idea

To draw the attention of Generation Z and to change the current idea of masculinity and success, we created a visual campaign using something that not only this generation of men know, but every generation does: the action figures. Through these action figures, we showed Generation Z, Boomers, both parents and grandparents, Millennials, and the youngest ones who belong to Generation Alpha, the diversity within manhood. This goes from classic men that like sports and videogames, to the ones that are looking for a new way to express themselves through their outfits and hobbies.

Strategy and Insight

On social media and in games, Generation Z men customize their avatars or profile pictures however they want, without facing any discrimination for their appearance. Building on this insight, we added something that men have been using to play with in recent years: action figures.

In doing so, we connect with our target audience in a positive and open way, while also teaching other generations to change their perception of masculinity and success. The graphics are highly versatile because they can show the broad diversity of men with different interests, outfits, body shapes, etc.

In addition, the print will also be present in the spaces where our target audience spends most of their time, i.e. in online games with customizable characters, allowing each player to continue expressing themselves freely there.