OutageCrisis - Hong Kong

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The climate crisis is a communications crisis—too complex, too quiet, too distracted, and too politicized. Fossil fuel misinformation dominates, and our leaders are dragging their feet. We’re on the brink of catastrophe, but there's still hope if we act now.


Project Dandelion aims to turn the tide. We’re shifting from a vocal minority to a mobilized majority. By uniting people globally, we’ll amplify local solutions and pressure leaders to act. Harnessing the power of digital, we’ll build a vibrant community of climate warriors.


Raise Awareness: Simplify the climate crisis message to engage mainstream audiences.

Build Community: Recruit and unite 10 million Dandelions by COP30 in November 2025.

Pressure Leaders: Use our collective voice to demand bold climate action from global leaders and companies.

Describe the creative idea

In today's hyper-connected world, social media is like oxygen—we can't live without it. Let’s transform this dependency into a powerful force for change with the biggest outage crisis ever to tackle the Climate Crisis. We urge everyone to "outage" the climate crisis now.

Riding the wave of Meta's previous outage crisis, we’re teaming up with Meta and TikTok for the ultimate stunt: shutting down their apps to force a global disconnect. This bold move will highlight our disconnection not just from each other, but from a sustainable future—where women are the most affected.

Channeling the Dandelion spirit of resilience and spread, a squad of frontline women defenders will ignite the movement by sharing their “Outage” stories. Each story, with one powerful line, will show how the climate crisis has caused an outage in their future. Together, we’ll pressure global leaders and companies to step up and take action.

Describe the strategy

It's in our DNA to only realize the value of something when it's gone.

In this hyper-connected world, the internet is vital—sometimes more irresistible than a coke after a 5k run or a cozy shower after a long flight, especially for women.

Women aged 16-24 spend the most time on social media, averaging almost 3 hours per day. Overall, women spend 12% more time on social media compared to men.*

Remember the chaos during the Facebook and Instagram outage? Everyone was asking, "Do you have the same issue?" Meta received over 175k reports at its peak. That moment of mass disconnection showed just how dependent we are.

We only strengthen our connections when we're disconnected.

*Data from Datareportal

Describe the execution

Stage 1: 7 Billion OutageCrisis

The Dandelion partners with Meta and TikTok to shut down apps for 2 hours, creating an OutageCrisis buzz. A mysterious logo and thousands of unknown hacking codes flash briefly, sparking global curiosity and chaos.

Stage 2: The Greatest Disconnect

As Instagram returns, users see a shocking message:

"Something went wrong with the connection."

"We're disconnected from our sustainable future due to the Climate Crisis. 80% of those affected are women."

Reveal this is a climate crisis, not just a digital outage. The code-like text represents the names of women suffering from climate change. We must face this crisis together.

Stage 3: #Outage4Dandelion

Click “Outage the Crisis" and share #Outage4Dandelion stories on Instagram. Use our template to show how the climate crisis has caused an outage in your future.

Recruit frontline women defenders to spread #Outage4Dandelion like dandelion seeds. Urge tagging leaders and companies at COP30 to unite voices to "Outage" the climate crisis.