Pee On Stereotypes

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The Unstereotype Alliance, convened by UN Women, aims to eliminate harmful stereotypes in advertising to promote gender equality and empower diverse groups. Despite progress in depicting women, media portrayals of men have regressed, contributing to negative gender attitudes and declining mental health among young men. To address this, the campaign targets Gen Z men (18-27) active in digital spaces, emphasizing the need for authentic, diverse representations of masculinity and success. The strategy involves creating an impactful print ad that challenge outdated narratives, counter harmful influences, and support mental well-being, highlighting that every man has his unique version of success.

Creative Idea

Our campaign redefines the concept of a successful man by challenging deeply ingrained stereotypes. Featuring a young man sitting on a toilet, the ad uses this vulnerable and unconventional setting to question traditional norms. The redefined definition of a successful man highlights self-care and the rejection of harmful stereotypes, encapsulated by the tagline, "Redefine manhood. Redefine Yourself."

Strategy and Insight


Targeting Gen Z men (aged 18-27) who are engaged in digital spaces and value authenticity, our strategy is to use a provocative and relatable scenario to capture attention. By addressing an everyday behavior—peeing while sitting—that contradicts traditional masculine norms, we aim to disrupt conventional portrayals and inspire young men to reconsider what it means to be successful. The campaign leverages print media's unique ability to provoke thought and spark meaningful conversations.


Many men neglect their well-being due to societal expectations and stereotypes. Despite evidence that sitting to pee is healthier, most men avoid this behavior to conform to traditional masculinity. This insight highlights the gap between health benefits and actual practices, driven by fear of appearing less masculine. By focusing on this example, our campaign illustrates the broader issue of resisting change due to stereotypical thinking, promoting a more inclusive and caring definition of manhood.


The ad features a young man sitting on a toilet, accompanied by a definition of a successful man that challenges conventional stereotypes. The visual is designed to be striking and thought-provoking, immediately capturing attention. The tagline, "Redefine manhood. Redefine Yourself," reinforces the campaign's message, encouraging men to embrace a healthier, more authentic version of masculinity. This approach aims to provoke thought, spark conversation, and inspire change among the target audience.

We took the picture of one of our colleagues in the process to convey a sense of reality, authenticity, and originality that could speak to Gen Z.