Project Dandelion: Net Threat

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A single-minded approach and simple way-in to involving oneself in the climate crisis discourse does not exist.

Between quantitative, jargony language to political agendas to “the end is near” fearmongering and more, the hodgepodge around the climate crisis matter is a communication crisis. When the masses are fed a chaotic and controlled narrative - such as fossil fuel giants spreading misinformation – they become many steps removed the core of the topic that the required determination takes a backseat. All of this stifles the momentum of the cause and the noise that can be made on a global scale.

Enter Project Dandelion, that needs to be at the helm of a global advocacy campaign like no other the world has seen before!

Describe the creative idea

The Project Dandelion Net Threat is an idea that aims to stop people in their digital tracks to learn more about the effects of climate crisis using real stories of frontline workers, and as a result, join the cause, the movement, the voice that is much needed to big an impact far-reaching and loud enough to get the attention of leaders across the globe.

We will hijack the internet to showcase a climate crisis impact on your most visited digital platforms.

The awareness and recruitment-led idea aims to gather and harness a strong of community and tangible action had, by way of tangible and novel digital tactics and tools.

Describe the strategy

Personal, powerful and real stories of women at the receiving end of climate shocks will take over online discourse to boost compassion, empathy and the willingness to raise your voice that naturally follows suit. Yale research suggests, the “mediating role of emotion” in sharing personal stories of how climate crisis is already harming people is a promising communication strategy to engage diverse and even skeptical audiences - shifting conversation and sentiment from aloofness to action!

To do this, a digital user’s journey will be completely hijacked in all stages - from site surfing to social apps – with a clear and easy call-to-action enabling anyone to become a Dandelion! In doing so, we will amass millions more voices that belong to a community that amplify the untold stories of frontline workers to a level unmissable by world leaders at COP30.

Describe the execution

Led by a digital hack called the "Net Threat", the campaign will unfold in stages. The hack will aim to unlock mass awareness for Project Dandelion as a climate justice institution by way of putting digital user's in the shoes of the those at the receiving end of climate crisis impacts. Imagine this: Amazon on fire, Google under water, YouTube frozen, X in a drought, or TikTok swept by a hurricane. Every hijack will dissolve and clear to reveal a frontline worker’s personal story related to the very crisis shown, with an appeal to raise your voice by joining Project Dandelion.

The additional legs to the campaign include amplification and retention tools: deployment of digital Dandelion badges in collaboration with influencers on TikTok and Instagram post digital hack, and a climate crisis countdown till COP30 on the Project Dandelion website and socials to continue holding world leaders accountable, respectively.