Re-Projected Ads

Young Entry Asset
Young Entry Asset
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Situation: GENZ is the most mature generation regarding diversity, equity, and inclusion. However, when advertising incorrectly represents men’s success, its persuasive effect puts these advancements at risk.

Brief: Advertising has made notable strides in how women and girls are portrayed, but the representation of men and masculinity has largely stagnated or regressed over the past 75 years

Objective: Movements and causes are worthless if people don’t support them locally. How does the Unstereotype Collective leverage on GENZ's creativity and talent for content remixing to address men’s disconnection with advertising, strengthening the movement’s actions in the process?

Media insight that led to this work: Unstereotype Alliance can’t be at all places where ads with stereotypes are, but GEN Z can… and their talents can strengthen our cause.

Describe the creative idea/insights

Reprojected Ads: Putting real dreams back on the ads we aim to change.

No child ever dreamt about being on a yacht with three women and a bottle of sparkling wine. Although some brands try to push that, GEN Z men don’t resonate with that, in fact they’ll are asking advertisers for new ways to depict aspiration.

If brands are trying to change the dreams of GEN Z men, we will use their advertising as our force for good by giving GEN Z the power to change them back into dreams that men can relate to!

Describe the strategy

Boys' dreams are beautiful and selfless, but when they become men, brands try to reshape them by pushing wrong ideas of what success should look like. Yachts, watches, sex, and more are presented as happiness goals.

GENZ are the Activists Generation and men from it, are particularly disconnected from brand’s stereotypes: 51.3% think that media is likely to negatively affect how successful they feel.

What if we could use ads that don’t resonate with their dreams to drive change in their communities?

Media Planning & Approach: Stereotypical advertising can exist in every corner of the world their budgets and reach are larger than what the Unstereotype Alliance can publish back.

Describe the execution

At the advertising capitals of the world, we’ll take advertising dreams away and replace them with the ones that GEN Z men always had. We’ll invite GEN Z to target ads where men are misrepresented across OOH. Then, they can create what they imagine should be projected by those ads. At night we’ll take back the space by projecting the GEN Z creations on the original ads. Giving GEN Z men's dreams a place.

Our first accomplices will be local artists, who will highlight authentic masculinity and men's representation in their creations. From there, we’ll work with GENZ creatives. Also, we’ll create templates for digital formats, like stories or feed posts - so anyone can share their vision. Finally, we’ll create a gallery where people can experience authentic and healthy masculinity representations.