Real Success Can’t Be Measured

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‘Real Success Can’t Be Measured’ explores the contradictory nature of attempting to measure men’s success. The film captures intimate, relatable moments of everyday success as a man and juxtaposes these with the use of a measuring tape to show that success isn’t about physical size, material wealth, or status. Rather, we show success as an intrinsic human feeling that (1) is obtainable for most men and not connected to materiality, (2) is inclusive across demographics, and (3) can’t be measured monolithically.


The Unstereotype Alliance, convened by UN Women, aims to drive global positive change by combating harmful stereotypes in advertising. One of the most prominent harmful stereotypes is the (social) media-fueled depiction of the successful man, defined by the size of his bank account, boat, or bicep. These definitions lead to not only unrealistic but mentally deteriorating standards for men—especially young men—who are particularly negatively influenced, affecting their identity formation and mental health.

The Unstereotype Alliance sought a 'compelling film that redefines what it means to be a successful man today' with the objective of inspiring young men, presenting success as multifaceted and individualized while resonating deeply within the digital spaces where Gen Z spends their time.

‘Real Success Can’t Be Measured' is a 30-second film that simultaneously challenges the media’s tendency to measure success in one size and presents success as a obtainable and natural part of everyday life.

Strategy and Insight

Based on data from BBD Perfect Storm New Macho’s 'the price of success', the target audience, Gen Z men (aged 18-27), are seeking new ways to see themselves in advertising. It's evident they experience the consequences of hypermasculinity as very real, despite the partly fictional nature of advertising.

In line with this, true success is increasingly acknowledged through sensible and emotional themes such as finding happiness in daily life, genuine relationships, health, and wellbeing. However, these depictions are rarely found in advertising.

Our advertisement 'Real Success Can’t Be Measured' seeks to close this gap by presenting everyday moments that contribute to a more wholesome and inclusive definition of success. This is achieved by leveraging the human insight that real success can’t be measured. Despite the media’s tradition of measuring men’s success by material wealth, the kind of success that truly resonates with Gen Z cannot be measured by physical or material parameters. Our campaign uses irony to underscore this point while promoting a new, relevant, and empowering narrative of masculinity - more specifically, what masculine success can be. This is done to inspire positive change and show more diverse examples of success, to expand the perception of success to be more inclusive, and hence offer a more relatable definition that can support mental health, while employing a visual and linguistic direction rooted in Gen Z.