Rewrite The Stereotype

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Brands are letting young men down through misrepresentation of male success. Our research showed men who are negatively impacted by misrepresentation know what they believe is successful but, brands don't consider this when they portray male success. We need a way for men to tell their favorite brands how they feel in order to truly shift perceptions.

To present men with more diverse understandings of success for themselves in media, the responsibility of change falls on the brand not the man.

The problem we face is brands base their marketing on stereotypes represented by historical beliefs. The solution is we create a campaign that brings new perspectives to the forefront of media.

Describe the creative idea/insights


To break stereotypes new information must be accepted, but first collected.


Harness the power of the search bar.

Educational assets from Unsteroytype Alliance will be uploaded to platforms with optimized meta data to ensure our educational film, audio or display assets appears first after a user searches a prompt with "success to me is..."

1. The search bar can offer an interaction between brand and man.

2. We will use it to collect data on what men feel success is, to give brands a better understanding of how men feel to drive long term change.

This can be activated through any brand with a search bar, including many of the 240 member organizations already working with Unstereotype Allience.

Describe the strategy

Currently, there is a major disconnect between the two, brands think they are speaking to all men with their marketing campaigns but only a small number of their target audience find the advertising campaigns socially engaging. We need to connect with Gen Z men to drive change brand behavior...

In a recent report, Stackla identified 92% of marketers believe most or all of the content they create resonates as authentic with consumers. However, only 13% said content from a brand is impactful and only 10% said that influencer content resonates as authentic.

CAMPAIGN STRATEGY: Give ownership of the definition to the man, not the brand.

We will put men in control of the data that forms the very definition of male success. As a result, making it easy for brands to understand what modern male success is, and give them no no choice but to change.

Describe the execution

The implementation of this campaign would operate under three comms pillars.

To inspire change we need young Men to engage with their most frequented channels and enter their favorite search terms beginning with ‘’Success to me is...’’. This offers the chance for men to have their say on how they would like their version of success represented. While at the same time giving brands raw data on what they need to change.

To educate all campaign assets created by Unstereotype Alliance will be uploaded to platforms (with search bars) with optimized meta data to ensure our educational film, audio or display assets appear first after a user searches "success to is me". We can then amplify new search results on OOH billboards creating further awareness.

To scale this longer term, we utilize the data collected from searches across partner sites to showcase a monumental change is happening.