RIGHTFULLY MINE, a scandalous story

Young Entry Asset
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People are tired of unaccomplished corporate promises, overwhelmed and uncertain that something will change, so they lost interest in the climate crisis. For example, Romanians place environmental concerns at the 8th spot on the societal priority list, the average ranking across 18 countries being 4th.

Even though Romanians may not seem so reactive when it comes to environmental issues, they do react when someone is taking what’s rightfully theirs. Be it forests that big corporations use to illegally make furniture, gold and minerals or even the traditional design of a blouse that big brands use without giving credits, they won’t stay silent about it.

We’ve seen it when after many years, an independent political candidate supporting environmental issues mobilized young people to vote and entered the European Parliament, showing that people still have hope and determination when they see someone ready to take action.

Describe the creative idea

Insight: People don’t like when companies are taking advantage of what’s rightfully theirs. But when someone makes them realize what’s happening, they are ready to fight wars together to take it back.

Creative idea: We`ll give them a voice to follow. A “poke the bear” person that will expose corporate tactics and invite people to take back the narrative. She will start real conversations, bringing global issues and stories of frontline warriors of the climate crisis to young people’s attention. Someone like them, that they can relate to and trust to follow - Dandelion, an AI generated Gen Z influencer.

Describe the strategy

Digitally natives, the youngsters have access to POVs and information others could never have before. This makes them feel responsible and the main digital noise makers across the globe. With just a click away from each other, they are now more than ever united by the same values in supporting causes from all over the world.

Compared to older generations, they cannot stay silent - once something/someone bothers them, it needs to be held accountable and everybody needs to know about it. They make use of their daily platforms like TikTok, Instagram, Twitch, Discord, X or Threads and share their stories through engaging, short-form videos that start real conversations around the globe. One viral video can be stitched hundreds of times with people sharing similar stories and can be backed up through comments that demand justice. Because these platforms are, for them, the place where they can ask for justice.

Describe the execution

Generating an AI female influencer with the look&feel of a real person, without linking her to a country, that will create content:

-Exposing corporation's actions that pollute the planet and giving environmental friendly alternatives to inspire the industries to do better.

-Collaborative content with NGOs all over the world, giving them a platform to tell their stories.

-Interviews with KOLs educating and better communicating all the environmental regulations updates in an accessible way.

TONE OF VOICE: informative, yet provoking, entertaining, honest, engaging

PLATFORMS: TikTok, Instagram, Threads, X, Discord, Twitch, Reddit

OUTCOMES: build a trustful community, reach a large number of Gen Zs and make them discuss, make her followers truly believe in the cause, resonate and join the Dandelion Project.

Because of the “scandalous” subjects, the relevant and relatable way of communicating, it will be easy to create viral content that will be replicated and able to transcend media.