Scent of success

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Write a short summary of what happens in the film

The film opens on different close-ups of men that, after a reveal, we discover they were in the restroom to take a poop.

In the end we see a young man as he opens the door where one of the successful men just got out from. He’s annoyed by the smell.

Because success has many versions, and there’s one for every man that poops.


The Unstereotype Alliance is a platform that commits to eliminate harmful stereotypes across the gender spectrum in media and advertising.

The brief asked to reduce the disconnect between how young men from Gen Z perceive success and how it is portrayed in the media. While it’s still being proposed only one version of success, that doesn’t resonate with the target anymore, we had to communicate that there are actually many versions of it. And every man has its own.

Strategy and Insight

Gen Z young men demand for authenticity when it comes to media and advertising, and they are left unrepresented by the outdated idea of successful men that look unbreakable and difficult to approach.

We wanted to bring those perfect successful men closer to Gen Z young men. To do so, we thought to deconstruct their apparent perfection by showing them during the most human moment of their day: the dump.

The idea answers the brief on two levels. First, it shrinks the gap between the unapproachable version of success portrayed in the media and what Gen Z associates it with. And second, it communicates that success is multifaceted and that there is an individual version of it for each man out there.